Sunday, February 12, 2006


Apple's New Products: 2006

It's going to be a revamped 5g Ipod. It's not going to be totally different or add anything to piss off recent 5gers.

It's going to be an all-in-one pack.
At the bottom of the 5G ipod end is an IR port. Remote will be include. Also included will be the proprietary TV-out Standard Def wire. It's going to cost only 50 dollars more.

April 1st
New Ibooks. Completely 64 bit and anyone who's bought a Macbook pro will get a software update making it 64 bit. Also, Apple will come out with additional updates for their Aperture Program that will swallow some of Adobe's functionality, but not all. Also completely 64 bit.
There will be other additional announcements regarding Apple's partnership with Disney. They will be producing Tivo's for Disney's new Cable service. Set in the future.

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