Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Free Song! Come Alive!

Pick of the Week
"Come Alive" By Steadman

I rather like this song. Unfortunately, after perusing their extensive catalog, this seems to be the only rhythm i enjoy. I'm a sucker for piano/guitar accoutrement.

Here's a list of free music you've prolly never heard of.
"Come Alive" By Steadman (Guitar, Processing, Definite E. Keyboards.)

Stanford thru Itunes (Link)
"Microwave Meal" By Matthew Sluis (Solo A. Guitar)
"Wintertime" By Chris Ayer (Solo A. Guitar)

"The Scene" By Ann Lynn (A. Guitar,slight kybrd/bass?, drums)
"ABCD Puppies" By TheBjam (E. Guitar, Drums, kybrd?)

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